Performance ETP_body-spaces09 – Exploration of Nearness & Distance
Videopodcast by Netzkino.TV in co-operation with esb mediencollege
The festival for computer-aided art CYNETART is going to present selected core themes of the Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau (TMA) at the festival theatre Hellerau from 26th November until 6th December. Within this event insights into the interdisciplinary and intercultural ways of thinking and working will be given. Furthermore new forms of cross-border communication and co-operation will be presented.
Another thematic focus of the festival will be the testing and exploration of new telematic media applications resulting from a continuing mediatisation. This subject will be the context of the European co-operation project European Tele-Plateaus Trans- national Sites of Encounter and Co-Production. The objective of this project is to create virtual sound-image-spaces for the public to walk-in and interact in a sensate-bodily condition. This will be across great distances and within networked virtual environments in real-time.