ETP Phase 1

ETP Phase 1

first public presentation (Trans-Media-Laboratory, Dresden)

The first public presentation of the project took place in Trans-Media-Laboratory in Hellerau, Dresden.

public presentation (Trans-Media-Laboratory, Dresden)

The first public presentation of the project took place in Trans-Media-Laboratory in Hellerau, Dresden.

first public presentation (Trans-Media-Laboratory)

The first public presentation of the project took place in Trans-Media-Laboratory in Hellerau, Dresden.

ETP-forum at DOX, Prague

Frieder Weiß, Klaus Nicolai, Thomas Dumke, Georg Hajdu (f.l.t.r.)

ETP-forum at DOX, Prague

(c) Sprotte

Marlon Barrios Solano, Johan Melin, Frieder Weiß, Klaus Nicolai, Thomas Dumke, Georg Hajdu (f.l.t.r.)

About the Author