Prague (Ivor Diosi) participated in the trial bridge effort between Dresden and Madrid using this minimalist setup on my table, with my faithful oprec-testing doll:
image 1: actuality 2009-04-25
Here’s a slightly zoomed picture of the cameras I had at my disposal. To the left is a Creative Optia AF, a very solid webcam in its category. To the right is the camera module from TrackIR 4 Pro, which is in essence an infrared USB webcam. Unfortunately, the directshow filter from the manufacturer’s website, which I figured would make its image accessible from Kalypso, and had to be installed on top of its driver, was crashing my workstation. I decided to stuck with the Optia and move on.
image 2: cameras 2009-04-25
This is the screenshot of Kalypso settings, using a patch which I shamelessly modified from Frieder’s original design for the day. You can notice the ambition to include an iPhone in the mix.
image 3: kalypsopatch 2009-04-25
I had had arranged for some port forwarding the day before with our kind netadmin, ports 7000-7010 were being forwarded to my workstation, so I was hoping for clear reception. Kalypso and oscclient installed/run without any hitches. Upon closer look with OSC Monitor, I can confirm I was receiving contourDresden and contourMadrid messages. The later until late at night, and its preview is what’s shown on the first two shots above. Also, for the record, I did recognize the movement pattern early on 🙂